Referral Informations
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How to make a referral to the Orchard Street Academy :
A student referral can be made to the Orchard Street Academy by a school district. The district will send a packet of information that includes: current IEP, most recent assessments completed (educational, psychological, OT, Speech, PT, etc.), last 2 progress reports, behavior plan if applicable, discipline report and any other pertinent information.
A student referral can be made to the Orchard Street Academy by a school district. The district will send a packet of information that includes: current IEP, most recent assessments completed (educational, psychological, OT, Speech, PT, etc.), last 2 progress reports, behavior plan if applicable, discipline report and any other pertinent information.
What happens after the referral packet is received?
- If it is determined that the program may be able to meet the student's needs, the OSA team will set up an informational meeting and tour for student and family. The school district is welcome to join any informational meetings.
- After the informational meeting, the OSA team will determine if our program is able to meet the student's academic, clinical and behavioral needs and will contact the district with a decision.
- If all members of the TEAM are in agreement, an enrollment date will be determined. OSA requires current immunization records and a signed placement page (PL1) prior to student start date.
- Typically, once we receive a referral the turn around time is approximately two weeks. There are time periods during the school year that are quite busy and will impact the timeline for referral review and placement.
OSA Contact
Brenda Goodreau
Phone: 508-481-3611 *7015
Cell: 774-245-8996
Fax: 508-481-3634
Phone: 508-481-3611 *7015
Cell: 774-245-8996
Fax: 508-481-3634