Services » Facilities Rentals

Facilities Rentals

Assabet Valley Collaborative’s property at 28 Lord Road, Suites 125-130 in Marlborough, MA is centrally located and easily accessible by Route 495 and Route 20. Our training center features 3 rooms that can hold 30 people each.  Walls between rooms can be removed to allow for a 2 room combination that can hold up to 60 people or all 3 rooms open together that can accommodate up to 90 people.
Each room is equipped with wifi, projector, sound system, full length white board wall + dry erase markers.
For more information, contact - 

Rosangela Smith
[email protected]
508-460-0491 ext. 28

Room Rental

FY25 Daily Rate
Conference Room A
$518-Non Members
Conference Room B $450-Members
$518-Non Members
Conference Room C $450-Members
$518-Non Members

Food Options

 FY25 Rates for beverages and food are below. 

Per Person
Coffee/Tea $3.50
Breakfast (pastries and coffee) $9.95
Lunch (light lunch - options available) Contact us for options & pricing
Afternoon Snacks/Treats Contact us for options & pricing


After Business Hours/Weekends

If your event is after business hours or on weekends, the rate for custodial services is $40 per hour.
Business Hours are 8:00AM-4:00PM Monday - Friday.