Enabling Statutes and Laws Governing Collaboratives
Collaboratives in Massachusetts were authorized to form under the authority of MGL Chapter 40, Section 4E which was amended by the enactment of Chapter 43 of the Acts of 2012.
For a helpful summary of laws governing Collaboratives visit the information provided by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) adopted new regulations, 603 CMR 50.00 Education Collaboratives, January 29, 2013. To access the regulations, visit this website.
Board of Directors
Assabet Valley Collaborative is governed by the Board of Directors which is comprised of all the Superintendents of the member school districts.
Additional information about AVC's Governance Structure, Public Meetings and Meeting materials and Agendas are located on the Board of Directors page and the Collaborative Agreement page.