In-district Inclusion Support,
Assessments, Transition, and Wraparound Services
Our staff are highly flexible and practiced at responding to the complex and individual requests of our member districts. We strive to help each student reach his or her highest potential so that they feel a part of the community and gain the opportunity to live a safe and productive life. |
Working Together for
We work with schools in and outside of our member districts to deliver supports and services to families and students with special educational needs. With the use of multimodal universal design strategies our staff contribute to the achievement of milestones that enrich our students' lives and support their success in school and in the community - from tying shoes, to learning to walk, to writing, to reading, to driving a power wheelchair, to the building of self-advocacy skills, to gaining skills needed for employment, to communicating feelings and developing choice-making skills through music or partner-assisted technology.
AVC staff are skillful collaborators that partner with educators and families to ensure that strategies and programs are integrated into the routines of the students' school life, supporting student access to the educational curriculum as well as the functional non-academic tasks of their school life.
COLLABORATION and TEAMWORK are the keys to successful inclusion for each student.