Referral Information
How to make a referral to the Evolution program:
A student referral can be made to the Evolution program by a school district. The district needs to send a packet of information to the program director that includes: current IEP, last assessments completed (educational, psychological, OT, Speech, PT, etc.), last 2 progress reports, behavior plan if applicable, pertinent medical information.
What happens after the referral packet is received?
- The packet will be reviewed by the program director and a team
- The director will contact the sending district after the packet is reviewed to let them know whether or not the program can meet the student's needs
- If it is determined that the program can meet the student's needs, the director may set up an observation of the student in their current placement
- The student and family will be invited to come and tour Evolution
- A team meeting will be held
Erica Stearns - [email protected]
Mobile: 774-285-0380
Mobile: 774-285-0380